Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today's the day!

Have you ever eaten sauerkraut on a hot dog for breakfast? I did today. Not too shabby, actually, though i'm not the biggest sauerkraut fan. But pair that with some fresh pineapple, a glass of grape juice, and some coffee, and you've got yourself the breakfast of champions. ;)

The students arrive TONIGHT! Crazy!! I am so anxious to meet them all. Life has been so calm around here thus far that I can't really imagine how much it's going to speed up in the coming days! It's so strange, I feel like I'm waiting for all the students from MY semester to get here, then I realize I don't know any of these crazies that are coming. ;) Haha but it's exciting, I am looking forward to it! They arrive at 8:45 pm, then we all spend the night together in this center thing, then tomorrow begins the craziness of orientation week..ahh, how I remember that week, just a year ago........

So in other news, I went to Naranjo this weekend to visit the host family that I lived with last November. It was AWESOME, to say the least, to see them all again! It was so weird, it felt so normal, but it was weird because so much time had passed and so many things had changed, me included! I arrived Saturday afternoon, had a good lunch, then spent the afternoon catching up. My host sisters, Kris, Yorleny and I, then picked up some tacos for supper and watched two movies together (17 again, and "My super ex-gf") The first movie: thumbs up. 2nd movie: not so much. But it was GREAT to hang out with them and get to talk with them!! :) Sunday we all went to church together, and it was sooo awesome to see everyone from the church! My host mom told me that no one really thought I was going to come back, at least not so soon, so they were all super surprised to see me! It felt really good to actually complete my promise, to actually come back again. I don't know if I've ever really felt so good to actually hold true to my word. Hm. But it was great! And I saw the infamous Andres, hahaha. :) It was really good to see him, just so weird that when I did, everything just sort of flooded back over me. Whew. Strong stuff. But it was awesome, we walked to the pulperia (little store) together before church, got some candy, talked: it was great. Ahh. Then I spend the afternoon with the family and the neighborhood children, who are crazy and adorable :), got to play with like, three six-month olds! (yay, love babies!) :) And then boarded the bus at 4:30 to head back to San Jose.....Ahhh. It was great to reconnect, and I am excited to see over the next 10 months how friendships will grow and change with my friends in Naranjo. :) The plan is to head out this weekend on Friday and stay until Sunday, since the church service this week is saturday afternoon. Que chiva!

I am super pumped for all that is to come, as we ready ourselves to get to know the students, prepare the office for their arrival, and as I grow more comfortable in my role at work, with my host family, and in the country in general. Here's to the excitement of change!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that the trip to Naranjo went well! I hope that this week is off to a good start with the students there! I've been super busy also, but tomorrow should be my slow down to a normal schedule! love ya!
