Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Funny the way it is, if you think about it...

So I've officially decided that life goes by way too fast. We just realized the other day that in TWO MONTHS a whole new group of students will be here. And saturday I just realized I've already been here for three months. Which means there are only 7 left. Which may seem like a lot, but really, it's not much.
So needless to say, I'm freaking out about time. The future. Changing everything again. I know life is about change, and normally, I'm cool with that. But I think I've just had SO much change in the past year (going to CR, leaving CR, graduating from college, leaving home to come back to CR, etc etc) that I'm going a little nuts. :) Haha this is not to worry anyone, just to say it out loud: I'm having a small freakout time about what is to come. But just as I was really starting to freak out in the past month, lots of good things have been happening. For example, I had an interview with MVS that went really well, and got me excited about that possibility for the next year. Very positive. And this weekend I had a great, great, GREAt time in Naranjo, which was really calming and made me happier than I've been in quite a while, actually. Friday night at the prayer service we were in groups of 2 and prayed for each other, and it was something I really, really needed. I kneeled on the ground and just cried to God, praising and worshipping and loving ina way that I haven't done for a long time. Most definitely refreshing spiritually for me, and a good chance to reconnect with God.
We had a surprise party sunday night for one of the girls of the church, and it was a total, total, BLAST! For the first time since I've been back, it was like we were all great friends again, just like the old days without all the awkwardness of Andres being weird and grumpy and none of us really talking or hanging out. Nope. We all hung out, talked, and had just a totally awesome time.
So while I'm freaking out a little bit about what's next (Even though I kknow i've got plenty of time and can chill a little bit!) I'm still living in the moment. I'm still enjoying the beautiful view I have each day, the wonderful chances I have to share with new and old friends, and the breath of God's spirit living in me. Life is good, even in the middle of chaos. :)
OH: officially ONE MONTH until my family is here!!!!!!!! :) and officially 12 days until CUBA!!!! :) see? life rocks after all. ;)

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