Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vamos a la playa!

We are going to the beach!
Well, okay, not right now, but on Saturday we will be in Limon ("we" meaning the whole group) and at the BEACH. Ahh. I'm psyched, obviously. :) But in other news...
So, I talked to Andres on Monday night, and it was actually a really good convo. I confronted him about ignoring us, and he told me that if I hadn't been with the other girls (who his gf doesn't like, and vice versa) that they would've come to say hi, but his gf feels really weird around them. So, I guess I could partly accept that, but not totally. Whatever. And I apologized for also not taking the initiative and going up to greet them, but I didn't really feel like it was my place. Sort of awkward. But we talked it through, which was good. And then he told me that he and his gf are thinking about going to another church, where they can make some mutual friends and she won't have to feel so awkward, which sounds like it would probably be the best situation. So anyways, it's over for good, but I think that at least some friendship remains, which is what I hoped most for. Whew. Complication-over.
Laura Frey is completely back on the market, folks. Tell your friends.
Haha okay well don't get that extreme. ;)
Thanks again for reading and praying! Know that I am missing you all and praying for you as well!! Much love and peace to you all!!! HUGS!


  1. She's back on the market! Woo-hoo! :)

    Glad things are working out - even if complications were involved. It's all for the better.

    Missing you...

  2. It's true, I'm single and ready to mingle! :)
    Missing you and loving you lots! :)
