Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wow I'm bad at this.

Yikes people. The last post on this blog? February. Yikes again. Lo siento (I'm sorry!)
Well, here it is, the 23rd of may (24th technically) and I cannot believe where I am in life. Graduated from college. Moving to costa rica in 2 months. Friends getting married. People spreading across the globe. My sister going into jr high. *sigh* sigh*sigh*. Ch-ch-changes are always coming along, aren't they? I feel pretty prepared for most of them at this point in time. I mean, graduating college was weird, but it was most definitely time for it to happen, so I'm good with that. I mean, of course I will (and do) miss being surrounded by all of my friends, but you can't stay in one place forever. I find that as bigger changes come and go in my life, I learn how to take them a little more easily, or at least I can find new ways to handle the stress and fear that comes with change. One day at a time. I realized the complete truth and importance of this little phrase during my study abroad experience in Central America, and I try to remind myself of it every single day, in every minute that I feel scared about the future or begin overthinking life just a tad too much. One day at a time. Here I am, in this moment. How can I love God? How can I love people? WHAT is most important in this very moment that I find myself in? These are the questions that I have to learn to ask myself. What is this moment meaning for my life? What will I give in the time that I have in this one day? I don't need to freak out about the future, because I can't control it. Heck, I can't even control the present, really. And oddly enough, I am becoming more and more comfortable with that fact. Hm. It feels nice when God displaces worry at the center of our lives. :) I am here on purpose; with a purpose; to love God and love people. Finito: the end. Fin. Love is life, and life is about loving. Yeah, I can sleep well with that on the brain. :)

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